突突兔 发表于 2017-5-13 11:54


2017-5-13 20:45 

trainline 和nationalrail的火车班次似乎不同。
昆仑 发表于 2017-5-13 16:17


2017-5-13 20:45 


2017-5-16 15:43 

回复 19# 洪慧

   对~但记得出发前要激活 具体见http://www.yinglunka.com/viewthread.php?tid=243 这篇攻略
重磅好文:《London Pass超强攻略》《伦敦住宿区域分析》
(觉着我们网站不错并且有旅游保险购买需求的同学,欢迎通过购买保险的方式让英伦咖获得广告收入~[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*)

2017-5-16 17:37 

洪慧 发表于 2017-5-16 15:43


How to use an eticket

When required, you can either show the PDF tickets on your phone or show a printed copy (or both if you prefer). If you are an iOS or Android user, we would recommend that you use our app as a ticket wallet for your etickets - this will keep them safe and easily accessible when you need them.

If you have booked a return trip, there will be two tickets attached to your eticket email, they will be labelled as either OUT or RTN to help you identify which ticket applies to which direction of travel.

If you have booked for multiple passengers then you will see that the tickets are distinguished as Adult or Child and the type of railcard used if applicable.

Some stations barriers will have a scanner to allow you through, simply present the barcode to the scanner and you will be allowed through the gate.

If you encounter a gate that does not have a scanner, you just need to show your eticket to a member of staff on hand at the barrier.

You may also be asked to present your ticket on board the train. Again simply show the ticket on your phone, or a printed copy, or in the app. The guard may use a scanner to scan the barcode on the ticket.

When etickets are available, this option has replaced the Mobile Tickets and Print Your Own delivery options. We like to think it combines the best of both of the previous options, giving you more flexibility then before.

2017-5-16 20:47 

hi 楼主想请问下
如果买advance票 我在national rail搜windmere-london显示出来是联程票,他中间有一次change在oxenholme ,但是只有6分钟,万一前面一趟延迟或者我这6分钟没来得及跑到后面的站台,我是不是就得重新买票了? 就你页面说的付差价+10磅管理费对吗 ?
2. 6分钟来得及换站台吗,拖着行李箱?而且他们火车没有提前一两分钟或者5分钟就关闭了之类的?
3.我是不是最好分开买票,但是我看windermere-oxenholme 基本一个小时才一趟,这样我就得买早一般提前一个小时6分钟到oxenholme.


2017-8-19 18:34 

回复 22# 13yumao

重磅好文:《London Pass超强攻略》《伦敦住宿区域分析》
(觉着我们网站不错并且有旅游保险购买需求的同学,欢迎通过购买保险的方式让英伦咖获得广告收入~[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*)

2017-8-21 12:47 

回复 23# onesui
好的 多谢楼主 么么哒~ 我选了换乘时间9min的 哈哈 比6分钟能好点 看人品吧

2017-8-22 12:14 
