超棒 帮父母办签证必备

2018-6-20 18:04 


2018-6-21 10:54 


2018-6-21 14:03 

Thank you for applying for a UK visa. Your visa application has been received and is under consideration. We aim to process non settlement applications within 15 working days (unless you have opted for the Priority Visa service), and settlement applications within 60 working days.
Unfortunately, the processing of your application has not been straightforward and we will be unable to decide your application within our customer service targets. We are continuing to work on your application and aim to make a decision as soon as possible.
We will write to you again if there is any change to this. Please do not attend the Visa Application Centre until you have been advised that your application has been decided and that your passport is ready for collection.
Kind Regards,

2018-6-21 17:30 

回复 860# 啸风    

重磅好文:《London Pass超强攻略》《伦敦住宿区域分析》
(觉着我们网站不错并且有旅游保险购买需求的同学,欢迎通过购买保险的方式让英伦咖获得广告收入~[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*)

2018-6-22 13:31 


2018-6-23 13:51 

SOS 正在准备visa的材料,但是我去年底去的以色列,虽然没有入境章,但是护照上有以色列visa。会拒签吗?谢谢LZ

2018-6-23 16:28 

LZ 还有个问题,官方签证材料中session4说这些不用提供。是说连酒店、机票、行程单、保险单都不用提交到使馆,就可以申请签证吗?

2018-6-23 17:10 
