请问这个globablue退税和在tax refund 有什么区别啊?他收多少手续费啊?谢谢

2017-9-12 15:02 

请问这个globablue退税和在tax refund 有什么区别啊?他收多少手续费啊?谢谢
Bella 发表于 2017-9-12 15:02

其实没有太本质区别,类似于你去商店消费,有的支持银联,有的支持visa,有的同时支持两家手续费等略有差异,Global Blue 可以去查 http://www.globalblue.cn/custome ... /refund-calculator/

然后你说的 tax refund 具体是哪家啊? 你要发现有具体名称,可以现场google 去算下~ Global Blue做的比较大,优势是遇到问题,你在国内能找到中文支持

2017-9-13 13:15 

盖特维克机场London Gatwick Airport 不知道退税方不方便

2017-9-24 20:57 

盖特维克机场London Gatwick Airport 不知道退税方不方便
蓝调的月光 发表于 2017-9-24 20:57


If you buy from shops displaying the Tax Free Shopping sign you will be given a tax refund form at the shop – keep it along with your receipt.

When you get to the airport, take your form and receipt to the Customs VAT office for validation before you check-in. You will be expected to show the items you have bought, so please bring them with you too.

Once the form is stamped by Customs then you can either post it to the address provided or claim your refund directly from the Moneycorp desk. You can have your refund paid in cash in a range of currencies - just ask when you get to the desk

具体你访问下这个网页 http://www.gatwickairport.com/at ... rvices/vat-refunds/

2017-9-25 09:48 


2018-1-9 16:32 

回复 45# 三番地    

重磅好文:《London Pass超强攻略》《伦敦住宿区域分析》
(觉着我们网站不错并且有旅游保险购买需求的同学,欢迎通过购买保险的方式让英伦咖获得广告收入~[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*)

2018-1-11 08:27 

回复 46# onesui    谢谢

2018-2-1 11:37 


2018-3-15 15:17 
